PLANT CARE IN SPRING Right now is always a great time to show your houseplants some love. Here’s what to do in the spring. In Spring After enduring the dry, low lit conditions of winter, your houseplants are ready to spring ahead, which may involve you giving them targeted care, reviving them after a long […]

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Right now is always a great time to show your houseplants some love. Here’s what to do in the spring.

In Spring

After enduring the dry, low lit conditions of winter, your houseplants are ready to spring ahead, which may involve you giving them targeted care, reviving them after a long winter, and even transitioning some of them outdoors. Your indoor plants are not immune to outdoor temperatures changes. Every house plant goes through some version of winter dormancy, and while you transition to warmer days, you need to help your plants transition as well.

1. Prune Old Growth

Encourage new growth by pruning out old leaves, stems, and occasionally roots. Sabharwal recommends repotting as well to stimulate new growth.

2. Water Plants More Frequently

In winter, plants retain more water because they’re exposed to less warmth and sunlight. When spring arrives, you can begin watering more because the soil dries out more often. Most plants communicate their dehydration by showing signs like wilting or curling.

3. Reduce Direct Sunlight

If your plants have been in direct sunlight during the winter, think about pulling them away from there light source to reduce the chances of leaves yellowing or browning. With temperature changes and increased amounts of daylight, you don’t want to overdo the vitamin D.

4. Keep Plants Warm

When you switch on the A/C for spring, be sure to move houseplants away from the direct cool air. Humans love a blast of cool air; plants do not.

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