Year-Round Decluttering Plan

You’ll need to revisit spaces regularly to keep declutter in check. Follow this handy seasonal guide to simplify the process. I always encourage clients to do a minor household sweep four times a year.

Decluttering makes spring cleaning easier.
Sort cleaning supplies
Before you start cleaning your house, clear out your supplies. Do you really need all those specialty cleaners or will a good all-purpose cleaner do the trick.
Tidy The Laundry Room
If you have kids (or you love gardening), spring brings you muddy clothes. Get ready by creating a stain fighting bin with essential supplies and clearing a space for folding and sorting.
Pick Up Winter Gear
Move boots and sweaters out of the way storage spots. Be sure to clean them first. Throw away any winter clothes that are worn.

Get supplies ready for weekend guests, and organize your outdoor essentials.
Restock The Linen Closet
Now is a good time to ensure guestroom sheets and towels are in order. Each week pick a closet to deep clean and reorganize.
Assess Outdoor Gear
As you pull out summer essentials, ensure all items are in good shape. Consider storing pool toys on garage wall where they will be easier to find.

Organize summer gear as you put it away for the season and tidy up indoor spaces that you’ll be using more often.
Donate Winter Clothing
As you pull out heavier clothes, donate anything you didn’t wear the previous year. Donation centers can sell these items now; if you donate winter clothes in spring, they may get tossed.
Organize Garage
Throw away anything broken or unused over the summer. Move winter gear down to lower shelves easier to reach.
Clean Out The Car
Give the car a good cleaning before winter. To keep it clean, throw away trash every time you stop for gas.

Clean areas you’ll use during the holidays and start healthy habits for the new year.
Clean Your Kitchen
You’ll likely be cooking more during the holiday season, so take a moment to organize utensil drawers and get rid of any multiple items you may have.
Donate Old Holiday Items
As you pull out holiday decor go ahead and donate any that you don’t use that year. Why keep packing them away if there never going to see the light of day.
Restock Pantry
If your new year’s resolution is to get healthier, January is a great time to organize the pantry and get rid of any junk food.